While browsing Serious Eats, I came across this item. Which reminded me that I have not yet finalized my Thanksgiving menu, or even ordered my turkey! Let alone compiled a grocery list...
But tonight! Tonight I will draft a menu and grocery list, and hopefully a schedule for what I'm going to make and when. Surely I can manage to stay at least somewhat organized about Thanksgiving while also juggling everything that's going on at work. I'll post the menu when I've finished it.
You know, I saw the Alton Brown Thanksgiving special on last night, and I was "Oh, yeah. . . That's right"
Oh, I should YouTube that one. Thanks for the head's up!
Things just got in the way last night. I'm going to try to do it tonight, but really, I could use another two or three hours in every day... PLUS an extra week between now and Thanksgiving. Preferably two.
Do you have big plans for Thanksgiving?
No, I'm probably going to go spend it visiting Scottie.
The kids will be at their Mom's, so I'll probably get up early and drive to Houston and spend the day with him.
Thank goodness I'm going to be a guest at Thanksgiving dinner this year. However, I'm already fretting about the menu for a pre-Christmas dinner I'm hosting for Sigmund's family on Dec. 13th. (We are going to the Caribbean with my family for actual Xmas.)
So far, my only Thanksgiving prep has been to look for more canned pumpkin! My one previous source has "suspended" sales. WHAT? Pumpkin pie is just a nonnegotiable Thanksgiving necessity for me.
(((BSR))) How is he? Hope he's improving.
Bee, lucky you going to the Caribbean for Christmas! I'm currently on the fence as to whether I'll stay here with my family or go home with the Suitor... to Iowa. Have you considered making the pumpkin pie from fresh pumpkin rather than canned? If you're really in a bind, I'm sure we could send you some of the canned stuff--I owe you (and BSR) a box anyway! :)
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